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Supported Browsers

Desktop browsers

Chrome 1>= 72Best results with >= 96
Firefox>= 68Best results with >= 101
Safari>= 14Best results with >= 15, output device selection unsupported
Edge>= 79Edge Legacy is unsupported
Internet Explorer

Mobile browsers


Chrome 1Same support as the desktop version
FirefoxSame support as the desktop version

For a better mobile experience (background support, Bluetooth support, etc.) we recommend using a native app instead. We provide a native Android SDK.


ChromeSame support as Safari as they share the engine
FirefoxSame support as Safari as they share the engine
Safari>= 14.3Best results with 15.4
EdgeSame support as Safari as they share the engine

On iOS all browsers share the same engine, Safari. As such all features and limitations on all iOS browsers are those of Safari.

For a better mobile experience (background support, CallKit integration, etc.) we recommend using a native app instead. We provide a native iOS SDK.


  1. This also applies to all Chromium based browsers such as Brave, (current) Edge, Opera, Vivaldi and others. 2