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Electron SDK

The Jitsi Meet Electron SDK provides a toolkit for adding Jitsi Meet into electron applications with additional features for a better desktop experience.

Supported Electron versions: >= 16.

Sample Application

The Jitsi Meet Electron Application is created using the Electron SDK and makes use of all its available features. The source code is available here: jitsi-meet-electron application repository.


Install from npm:

npm install @jitsi/electron-sdk

Note: This package contains native code on Windows for the remote control module. Binary prebuilds are packaged with prebuildify as part of the npm package.


Screen Sharing

Requirements: The screen sharing utility requires iframe HTML Element that will load Jitsi Meet.

Enable the screen sharing:

In the render electron process of the window where Jitsi Meet is displayed:

const {
} = require("@jitsi/electron-sdk");

// api - The Jitsi Meet iframe api object.

In the main electron process:

const {
} = require("@jitsi/electron-sdk");

// jitsiMeetWindow - The BrowserWindow instance of the window where Jitsi Meet is loaded.
// appName - Application name which will be displayed inside the content sharing tracking window
// i.e. [appName] is sharing your screen.
// osxBundleId - Mac Application bundleId for which screen capturer permissions will be reset if user denied them.
setupScreenSharingMain(mainWindow, appName, osxBundleId);

Note: An example using screensharing in Electron without the SDK is available here: screensharing example without the SDK.

Remote Control

Requirements: The remote control utility requires an iframe HTML Element that will load Jitsi Meet.

Enable the remote control:

In the render electron process of the window where Jitsi Meet is displayed:

const {
} = require("@jitsi/electron-sdk");

// iframe - the Jitsi Meet iframe
const remoteControl = new RemoteControl(iframe);

To disable the remote control:


NOTE: The dispose method will be called automatically when the Jitsi Meet iframe unloads.

In the main electron process:

const {
} = require("@jitsi/electron-sdk");

// jitsiMeetWindow - The BrowserWindow instance of the window where Jitsi Meet is loaded.
const remoteControl = new RemoteControlMain(mainWindow);

Always On Top

Displays a small window with the currently active speaker video when the main Jitsi Meet window is not focused.


  1. Jitsi Meet should be initialized through our iframe API
  2. The BrowserWindow instance where Jitsi Meet is displayed should use the Chrome's implementation (set nativeWindowOpen option of BrowserWindow's constructor to true).
  3. If you have a custom handler for opening windows you have to filter the always-on-top window. You can do this by its frameName argument which will be set to AlwaysOnTop.

Enable the aways on top:

In the main electron process:

const {
} = require("@jitsi/electron-sdk");

// jitsiMeetWindow - The BrowserWindow instance
// of the window where Jitsi Meet is loaded.

In the render electron process of the window where Jitsi Meet is displayed:

const {
} = require("@jitsi/electron-sdk");

const api = new JitsiMeetExternalAPI(...);
const alwaysOnTop = setupAlwaysOnTopRender(api);

alwaysOnTop.on('will-close', handleAlwaysOnTopClose);

setupAlwaysOnTopRender returns an instance of EventEmitter with the following events:

  • dismissed - emitted when the always-on-top window is explicitly dismissed via its close button

  • will-close - emitted right before the always-on-top window is going to close

Power Monitor

Provides a way to query Electron for system idle and receive power monitor events.

enable power monitor: In the main electron process:

const {
} = require("@jitsi/electron-sdk");

// jitsiMeetWindow - The BrowserWindow instance
// of the window where Jitsi Meet is loaded.

In the render electron process of the window where Jitsi Meet is displayed:

const {
} = require("@jitsi/electron-sdk");

const api = new JitsiMeetExternalAPI(...);


You'll need to add 'disable-site-isolation-trials' switch because of


For more information please check out the SDK's repository